Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Passed C960 Discrete Math II

       Took 13 days on C960 and I think it can be shorter with some better strategy. There are 6 chapters in the course, and the most challenging part for me is the pseudocode questions. 

       Ch1: Algorithms, Ch2: Number Theory and Cryptography, Ch3: Recursion and Induction, Ch4: Counting, Ch5: Probability, Ch6: Modeling Computation

     Zybook is still a good source and I used Ch1, 2, and 6. The pre-assessment and the OA are aligned and slightly easier than the Zybook and the exercise questions you can find. You can find tons of resources for learning these topics on Youtube so just learn what you need to know by the pre-assessment questions. 

      If I could start over, I would go for the pre-assessment right away, and I would know to focus on Ch1 and 2 for me and learn Ch6 at a much faster pace.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Passed C836 Fundamentals of Information Security

     I passed C836 in 1 day, while my C172 was transferred and I hold a Google IT support certificate with one security course included. The assessment is theoretical and the terminology is the key part of passing the exam. 

     I watched the webinars in the "course tips" column which include 12 videos with 2 hours of total length. These videos are extremely boring and just putting the words on the Powerpoint, but included most important concepts. Took some notes during the videos, and my pre-assessment score was 1 question away from passing.

    The flashcards recommended might be also helpful but I didn't use it because I found the contents are quite the same as those webinars. After all, with the CIA triad and memorizing some names of acts, you are almost there.


Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Passed C949 Data Structures and Algorithms I

    Data structure and algorithms are undoubtedly the most important part of learning computer science. I like the material provided and I chose and I don't like the design of the assessments.

    The Zybook contains two major parts, one is teaching some core concepts of coding by introducing python, and another is the academic part of different data structures and algorithms. They are both important and you will have to learn them sometime somewhere after all. Zybook is not a bad choice and they are detailed enough. I also used Pluralsight videos (Data Structures and Algorithms Part I & II) as my main learning materials.

    The assessments are aligned with each other and not aligned with the book. I had a call with a CI and got some study tips including 2 mistakes in the pre-assessment questions. I think the pseudocode and Java multiple-choice questions are not efficient for our learning and test our ability in computer science, but in WGU just shut up and deal with it for a couple of hours and you'll be fine. The algorithms part is more reasonable, the Zybook and Pluralsight should cover all the things you need to know. 

   I spent 11 days on this course. These are knowledge that we will learn and review by ourselves throughout the career, so don't bother with it just figure out how to pass will be a smarter choice.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Passed C867 Scripting and Programming - Applications

         I happen to see many posts about this course. Maybe it is the normal pattern that many students start in August and about to take this course as our third or fourth course. It took me 16 days to pass and it is unnecessary if you want to save more time. 

        I watched the Linkedin Learning videos on some introduction to C++ and started the project after I finished one course on Linkedin. My mentor told me that C867 was a "big" project and people spend 8 weeks on it in average, which made me overestimate the difficulty before I started. Don't be afraid of coding and it's not that hard after all.

       Watch the youtube video about the project, and learning by doing would be a more efficient way to learn if you want to be fast.  I may probably be more familiar with C++ after I watched the Linkedin video, but I could pass C867 faster and learn it in my free time in the future, too! It's up to you. 

      My next course plan is C836, C949, and C482.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Passed C959 Discrete Mathematics I

      I have to praise the design of this course. I have attended 2 similar discrete math courses before: one in high school which was a kind of extended math class talked about proof, sets and matrix, and an introductory graduate-level course from a brick and mortar university. WGU C959 is way better than any course I attended. It was quite difficult for those who don't have the experience of math, but you will know everything you have to know about this subject, and the assessment is basic but not easy.

     I took the pre-assessment at the beginning with a score of 60, which was shocked me for I thought it should be a walk-through for me. I then talked to the CI and set a plan of reviewing/studying. I might be too careful, but I spent 12 days on this course and just passed the assessment. 

    Zybook is a good tool for quick reviewing. Zybook breaks the proof and procedures into very small pieces so you can watch carefully. I read through the Zybook and practiced the pre-ass again before taking the exam. If the content is new to you, I believe that you should choose a set of teaching videos on Youtube or whatsoever, and don't be rush on this course. I spent 12 weeks for discrete math course at college and we should not contempt this WGU course. In my opinion, spending 6-8 weeks for C959 is acceptable for an absolute beginner. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Passed C173 Scripting and Programming Foundations

         This course is very easy for anyone with any kind of coding experience. I took the pre-assessment, review some definitions of terms, booked the exam 30 mins later, and passed.

         The algorithm in this course is pseudocode, therefore, there's no need of learning any new language, just use some logic you will know what the questions ask for. 

        The last chapter may be the "hardest", it asks the definition questions like what is complied language, markup language, interpreted language, etc. If you have no experience, use the pre-assessment questions to help you review, you will be fine.

Friday, August 14, 2020

How I passed WGU C779 Web Development Fundamentals


    This is considered an easy course for many students so my mentor assigned it as my first course. My mentor talked about this course on our first call and said that it should not take me too long since I have some experience with that. It turns out that I spend 7 days to study this course. It was a little bit slower than what I expected but I worked on another project (using WordPress) and that took some time.

    My background: Some self-taught WordPress experience and studied half of the Udemy course on web development.

    "A pass is a pass" is often said in WGU and that's the key to this course, too. This course is not asking you to make beautiful HTML and CSS pages. On the other hand, more than half of the course is not even about coding. 

    I took the pre-assessment on the first day with a score of 50%. I watched the Traversy's videos as many students recommend, and watch the first webinar of WGU. Tracersy's course covers most coding questions of the exam, and WGU's webinar contains materials like which law you should follow to serve people with disabilities, ethics in developing, etc. The flashcard in the study tips covers most terminology you may be asked. 

Traversy Media's HTML video:

Traversy Media's CSS video:

   I passed the assessment around 80% on the first attempt. The pre-assessment is aligned with it. Don't overlook the terminology questions.

   Last, if you stuck on learning HTML or it is just totally new to you, the textbook is still a good choice especially the exercise questions. My mentor told me that the average passing time of this course is 8 weeks, so don't be panic if you think you are slowing down.